Going Deeper

Talking Justice #2: Jesus Sets Captives Free! Amy Smith (International Justice Mission)

Episode Summary

God plants seeds throughout our lives that call our hearts to His. Amy Smith is no different: through a childhood exposed to the missional heart of God, through politics, to the International Justice mission, God has been calling her to be a voice for the voiceless. Jo chats with Amy about her journey, and her work as Chief Advocacy Officer at IJM.

Episode Notes

God plants seeds throughout our lives that call our hearts to His. Amy Smith is no different: through a childhood exposed to the missional heart of God, through politics, to the International Justice mission, God has been calling her to be a voice for the voiceless. Jo chats with Amy about her journey, and her work as Chief Advocacy Officer at IJM.

Continuing our series 'Talking Justice', hosts Jo Leutton and Robyn Robertson are joined by Amy Smith, the Chief Advocacy Officer for International Justice Mission in Australia.

More Information about International Justice Mission:

IJM is the largest international anti-slavery organisation in the world. We're a team of passionate professionals from a range of backgrounds, with a shared vision to make slavery a thing of the past.

Rescue Victims 
We find people in vulnerable communities that are suffering from violence and oppression and bring them to safety.

Restore Survivors 
We provide trauma therapy and counselling to survivors and give them the training and tools to thrive again.

Restrain Criminals 
We work relentlessly in court to ensure traffickers, slave owners and other criminals cannot hurt others.

Repair Justice Systems 
We are transforming justice systems to protect more than 150 million vulnerable people around the world.

If God is awakening in you the heart to partner with IJM on the frontlines in the fight against injustice - there are many ways you can get involved with our work… 

Work for IJM
From accountants to network engineers to assistants, our team of professionals has an opportunity to leverage their skills in the fight for justice. 

Become a Freedom Partner
This minute, innocent people are being beaten, abused, raped and enslaved. By giving $31 or more a month, together we can rescue and protect them and end slavery in our lifetime. 

Gather. Act. End Slavery
We speak up for the silenced. Our vision is for Australia’s government and people to be leaders in ending modern slavery around the world. We build relationships with the government, contributing our expertise to issues of modern slavery and especially cybersex trafficking. IJM Australia has made numerous submissions to Federal and State governments and been invited to speak at hearings into the Modern Slavery Act. 

Volunteer with IJM
Volunteer in your community as a Justice Advocate, mobilising your networks to end slavery or volunteer in Sydney one or more days a week, supporting IJM Australia staff or Volunteer overseas as an Intern or Fellow at one of IJM's offices 

The work of justice begins with prayer. As we seek justice on behalf of others, we rely on an all-powerful God to help us do what is only possible with and through him. We invite you to stand with us as an IJM Prayer Partner


Big thanks to Tim Whittle for editing and extra production on this podcast.

For more info and how you can help, please contact Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram. Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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